Friday, May 7, 2010

For the Cast of Truly Truly Gwen - Costume Ideas

The project is coming through with some casting problems that I hope can be easily solved. I'm hoping that most of the costumes can be found in your closets. If not, we're going to have to really pull together to make it work. I love my writing, but the acting and the costumes of this film is really what's going to make it. If we have fun, the audience has fun. Now onto the costumes.

Our leading man. Pretty much a pretty boy in a creme colored jacket or blazer. Bonus points if we can get our hands on a member's only jacket.

A blazer type outfit with a blue and white motif. Flashes of pink would be nice too.

Pink hair and an outfit with pink, yellows, purples and baby blues. Fishnets if ya got 'em. Very 80's chic.

Click Here for more ideas.

Color scheme is pink, red and green. A big pink hat is a must, but a big pink bow would suffice. An fluffy apron. You have to have the green and white striped leggins and mary janes for the costume to really work.

Click Here for more ideas.

A blue dress with rainbow trim. Rainbow sleeves and rainbow leggins as well. Shoes should be like white moon boots, but plain white shoes would be fine.
Click Here for more ideas.

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