Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Writer's Block

As I let the script for Gwen and the Telegrams simmer in my head a little, I work frantically to finish the script to the stage version of Aliceland.

I find myself with writer's block, which really surprises me. When I wrote Princess of Oz, everything came so naturally to me, and I consider myself a new fan of the Oz books. 

With Aliceland, I find myself scared in misrepresenting these characters and scared that my ideas for this "book to the stage" musical isn't original enough. I have tried to just push all that negative thinking away and just tell a good story, but maybe it's my own fandom for the Alice books that really hinders me.

I'm re-reading the book (for like the 100th time) to see if I can pull ideas from Caroll's original text that are uniquely mine. It's working for the most part.


  1. I think I'll watch "The Fantastic Mr Fox" for adaptation inspiration. That movie was a very good adaptation.

  2. And be leery of being too faithful. There are things in books that don't translate well to other media or come out other than the way they were intended.


Have Some Fun